Monday, October 22, 2012

"Give Me Orange Pants, Or Give Me Death."

 Well, I have been very busy the past week and weekend. On Tuesday I left to go to OKC for a conference. It always seems that a 3 hour drive can turn into 8 hours when I travel. In between shopping, mani/pedi detour, and hunting for dinner and a phone charger, It was 7:30pm by the time I was locked away in my hotel room to enjoy the Presidential debate and to finish prepping for my presentation.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
The conference was a complete success!
After a quick shopping stop, I ventured to my brother's house to see him, my nephew, GuyJack and my sister-in-law. Big Truck Tacos and dancing in the kitchen to "Born to Run" never gets old.
I left my family so they could get GJ ready for bed. GJ told me he didn't want me to leave and I could, "sleep in his big boy bed" with him. Broke my heart:( I reassured him I would see him soon at Buck's House. GJ calls my mother by her nickname, Buck.
After hugs and kisses, I left OKC to head to Stillwater to see my manfriend. This past weekend was homecoming at Oklahoma State and (fingers crossed) the last homecoming Chance will attend as a student. That second bacholor's is becoming a bit of a bitch.
Thursday I slept in and waited for Chance to get home so we could begin our outing in Stillwater. My bank account cries when I go to Stillwater. I, of course, had to find the perfect game day outfit:) 
It was perfect Walk Around weather!
Friday was more shopping and Walk Around:)
We caught a Dustin Lynch concert and danced in the middle of the streets.
Saturday was GAME DAY!
I met up with one of my Delta Zeta sisters, Taler, at halftime.
After the game, naps were taken and we refreshed our minds and bodies to make our way to Fuzzy's on The Strip. We luckily got a booth and settled in for a night of tacos, drinking and drunks.

Brennndonnnnnn making a duck face enjoying a Fish Bowl
 Sunday is when I had to come back to reality. I hate leaving Chance and the long drive back to southeast Oklahoma is never a fun trip.

My aunt is putting this on one of her dog's heads.
I would hate her too.
When I returned to Red Oak I met my family at church. Little did I know there was a Youth Focus still going on. I basically showed up for the free food and shameful looks. I visited with my family for a little while before making my way to Wilburton and unpacked and crawled into bed.
It was a top weekend.

Monday, October 22, 2012--------->
Also, shout out to @mroctober85 on his birthday. Doubt he reads this but let's show him some love as he turns 27-years-old!


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

3 Hour Drive = 8 Hour Drive

I left work early to make my way to OKC to check into my hotel room and prep a presentation I am attending. I never make good time. Ever. Left at 11am, got settled into my room at 7:30pm. Travel Fail.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Monday, October 15, 2012

Bowling and Spending Money

It has a fly on it!!!
Well dahlings, I have had a busy couple of days.
Thursday I went to Red Oak to make a boutonniere and courage for a Halloween Carnival and Coronation. It wasn't  your typical boutonniere or corsage.

Friday I was out of the office all day presenting at a conference. I wore gold tweed trousers.Winning.

Friday after work I went to Poteau to spend the weekend with the manfriend and celebrate his mother's birthday.

Friday night was dinner with his grandfather and then bowling with his friend Tyler (I call him T-Swizzle). I am not sure how I feel about spending my Friday evening bowling. However, my first two bowls were strikes. Maybe I should invest in my own pair of bowling shoes?

Saturday started much too early. I had a financial planning class. Lame. I don't like a class that tells me, "You should really save that money and not spend it on the cute dress." Piff. You don't know my life.

Saturday afternoon was football, booze and celebrating Chance's mom's birthday. One word: shots.
Good times.

Sunday was recover and work. This is what I looked like------------------------------------------------------------------------->>

After I made it to RO, my family and I went to eat lunch in Wilburton. My cousin, Lane, is home from extended league training. He got a dose of life back with the family.
Glad to have him home:)
After lunch I went a student play and then headed to the office to get some work done so my short week can start sooner rather than later.
I love short weeks.

Monday, October 15, 2012------------------------------------------->

Today is my best friend's birthday. That dirty bitch lives in Panama City Beach. I love her and would die without her. Happy Birthday, Kelly.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Financial Planning and Buying Booze

I only have to make it through one more work day and then....
I get to sit through a financial planning class. Boo. Mentally preparing myself to be rolling around in my chair. Hopefully there is WiFi and a back row so I can Pinterest all day. Saturday evening, I am meeting up with the manfriend's parents for his mother's birthday. It. Will. Be. Awesome. Cold weather, bon fire, food and booze. Sounds like a great time to me!
Today I have been busy prepping for a grant review and two conference presentations. I guess this is what having a job feels like...

Thursday, October 11, 2012 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Hostess with the Mostess

Last night was the first night in my new apartment. I slept like a charm:)
It is going to weird not staying with my mom anymore; however, this is a change that needs to happen. I am becoming more and more independent and realizing I am at a different point in my life than I was even 6 months ago. 
I couldn't be happier and am looking forward to the future to just getting better and better. 

Last night was a late night for me. I unpacked some boxes from the move while I waited on two representatives from the University of North Texas. UNT is doing a case study on my program and I am playing hostess Tuesday and Wednesday while they are on campus. 
The next few weeks are going to be extremely busy but the light at the end of the tunnel is Fall Break right around the corner. Can't. Wait.

Tuesday, October 8, 2012

Monday, October 8, 2012

Champagne Supernova Blackhole that is HOMECOMING

Homecoming did not kill me; however, the 4pm hangover on Friday afternoon almost ended my weekend. 

This is the pile of bags and clothes for the weekend. What? We don't believe in repeating outfits and we must have options.-------------------------->

Champagne Bingo was fabulous and trust me, WE WERE THE LIFE OF THE PARTY.

Frank Wiley, weekend anchor for Fox23 in Tulsa was the Emcee. Needless to say, he loved us more than the rest:)
After a 4pm hangover, Zarape, and a 2.5 hour nap, we (Teesha and myself) prepared for a night out. We had lost a majority of our sisters after Zarape but planned on meeting up with them at the Northend event at The Branch.
April, me, and Sharry at the Northend event at The Branch.

 You know, sometimes you just end up under a table and can't remember why. It happens to everyone at some point, right?
Yes. That is me. Wearing the homecoming queen crown.
Saturday was rainy and cold. I loved it! Woke up, Teesha and Dannie went to get breakfast, and we got ready for the parade, tailgating and game.
Now, while I am standing at the game, freezing and feeling drops of rain starting to fall, I evaluate the rest of my day. I can either stay in Tahlequah, go out (maybe) and smell like a cigarette or I can hop in my car and drive 2 hours to see the love of my life. I opted for the later and by 5:30pm I was kissing Chance hello:)
We went out with 5 of our friend to a taco bar and proceeded to order 4 fishbowl drinks (I wasn't even about to drink after my hangover on Friday). After Fuzzy's we went to Murphy's. Luckily, we all wore jackets and were able to stay outside. 
Thanks Brendon for Photobombing:)
Let me let you in on a little secret, my manfriend can two-step very well. The moment we walk in he takes my hand and dances with me. Sigh:) 
The only thing wrong with life right now is that my bangs need to be trimmed. Other than that, life is full of love and happiness.

Monday, October 8, 2012----->

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Blog Fail and Boots

So the past two weeks have been blogging fails. Sorry. HOWEVER! The biggest fail of this blog happened last night when I didn't have my phone to take a picture of my grandmother wearing
acid wash jeans and a blazer with shoulder pads!
I am sorry. But you are in luck. She repeats outfits like Lindsey Lohan repeats court appearances.

This has been my week:

Monday--Bandit Football. Asher's team is undefeated and he almost caught an interception. Quincee dressed like a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader. Epic. She was a total priss. I love it.

Wednesday I got a new bed:)

Thursday, October 4, 2012----------------------------->
I threw the dress code out the window. Jeans and Boots.
I leave for Homecoming today.
Prepare for a great blog on Monday-ish.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Wedding Weekend

I have again failed at posting a few blog entries. whoops.

I am going to sum up my world since my last post in 20 words. Annnnnnnnnndddddddd GO!

driving, conference, Lilly, retro dress, Tahlequah, manicure, wedding, booze, Big, Little, sisters, shopping, mud, rain, ToyWatch, Optimus Prime, pictures, October

Life is fabulous.

This was last Wednesday------------>

Halloween Wreath! I love this timer of year.

Me and Jazzy J Fresh (little) at Brooke's wedding

Part of my sorority family:)
Jungle Love

Me, Dannie (@dangitdannie) and my Big, Sharry (@cool_sharry)
This is today, Monday, Oct. 1, 2012