Thursday, August 23, 2012

I am in dire need of sleep. Tonight, bed time is 9pm at the latest. Driving 35 miles through the hills of southeast Oklahoma to work every morning is not my idea of a "little" commute. It is hell. You never know is there is going to be a tractor or cattle trailer and people tend to drive at the speed of smell. I. Must. Move.
So, on that note, I will be moving soon and won't have to wake up before the sun rises in the morning and get home after it sets. Life might be a little bit better and the bags under my eyes might be a little less puffy. However, moving is a bitch, but not having to make that drive and having a space of my own is worth paying rent.

Thursday, August 23>>>>>>>>>>>>
Sleep Deprived.
But Lilly makes it all better (scarf).

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