Yesterday was "Nephew Day" and I was beyond excited to finally go get those two boys. Not sure if I ever told you why I was getting them for the weekend. Besides the family reunion this weekend, my brother and sister-in-law are going to New Jersey to see Bruce Springsteen. Yes. The Boss is having a show and they are going.
My brother and I had a plan to meet up after Oscar's track meet. Yeah. That track meet caused a lot of problems.
As I am driving on the Indian Nation Turnpike my brother calls me saying Oscar isn't going to run as early as we thought and it will be closer to 7 before they could leave to come meet me. No problem. I assure them I have no problem meeting them closer to OKC. (I am such a kind person).
I go to Shawnee, about 30 miles for OKC, stop to do some shopping (found the most fabulous dress to wear to a wedding next weekend!), and grab a coffee.
As I am waiting on my order at Starbucks, my brother calls and says change of plans...
I automatically know I am going to OKC. I jump in my car and drive 30 miles to meet my sister-in-law with my nephews. She can't even begin to express how thankful she is for me coming all the way and promises to make it up to me one day. Honestly, I would drive to the end of the Earth to pick up my nephews.
After the boys have food and are buckled up, we start the 3 hour drive to SE Oklahoma and to Granny Buck's house.
Today, my whole family is meeting at the lake house for a family reunion. EXCITED FACE.
Expect lots of pictures.
Friday, Sept. 21st (The last official day of summer)
Yes. There is a flower on my boob.
Stop looking at it.
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