Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Labor Day Weekend and My Gay Ex-Boyfriend

Well dahlings, a new week is upon us and I am still physical and mentally recovering from my loooooong weekend.

I had every good intention of posting my blog on Thursday, but in true cluster fuck fashion, that didn’t happen. Meetings, students, registrations, obligations, e-mails, and phone calls consumed my short day in the office. So today, much like the rest of the world on the Tuesday after Labor Day, I am playing catch up at work and on my blog. Here is just a snippet of the weekend.
Thursday, August 30



I had to sport my NSU green as I was going to be traveling to Tahlequah for the first home football game. My former boss and I met up to enjoy tailgating and catching up on our lives. She is possibly one of the greatest women I have ever met and she was willing to claim me as her daughter to sneak me into the alumni room. (I was then told to get out my check book and join the alumni association by the Alumni Director but that was all in good fun.It was worth it for the air conditioning.) During half-time, I met up with my dear friend and ex-boyfriend, Ryan. Now, some might think our relationship is odd to be so close for having been in a "serious" relationship for close to two years; however, there were certain things I could not offer him... like a penis. Love him dearly and I think of him as one of my true and dear friends.

 Friday, August 31
No pictures were taken because of extreme cases of confusing the Apple Genius and travel (safty first). I can tell you my outfit consisted of an over-sized T-shirt, norts and flops with a narly messy dirty bun. It is probably a good thing pictures were not taken. I got my haircut and then met up with manfriend and enjoyed dinner with some fabulous people.
Saturday, September 1
Tyler, Carly, Chance(manfriend), Justin
This really happened.

 Holy Mother of Stillwater. Catching up with old friends, drinking, eating, sweating, and cheering on the Oklahoma State Cowboys.
In the land "where the wind comes sweeping down the plains," there was little to no wind during the day. That means it was hot.

 This was my koozie for the day----------->
Notice the boby pins on the bottom. I am always prepared.

Below is our view of the game.
Sunday, August 2

Waking up from a hard day of tailgating is rough. Lunch with friends and then a trip to Oklahoma City to do a little shopping and seeing my brother and his family was my Sunday afternoon. The manfriend is always up for an adventure.

Monday, August 3

Total cluster. Between my car and buying paint, I was an emotional mess. Plus, leaving the manfriend is always torture. Made it home just to crawl into bed. Slept like a baby and I mean, waking up every two hours. Horrible.

Tuesday, August 4-------------------------------------------------->
Busy. Wearing Lilly.
Happy Note! My Lilly Pulitzer shipment should be waiting for me at home and volleyball is about to start back up. That means a lot of trash talk and sand in unwanted places.

Moving update. Paint colors were picked out by the manfriend and myself. Painting should start tomorrow and moving on Friday evening or Saturday morning. The sooner, the better.

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