Wednesday, July 28, 2010

A Letter to Lola...

Ahem (as she clears her throat)

My Dearest Lola,
In a few short days I will be packing my bags with my sexiest high heels and my iPhone charger for a little adventure. I will be driven (I don't drive) to the airport and go through security (thanks a lot Bin Laden). The plane will most likely have a screaming child behind me kicking my seat for the 70-minute flight (thank god for Bloody Mary's). During these 70 minutes of hell, I will read, "If the Buddha Dated" trying to figure out my romance less life. After Buddha gives up on me, I will then turn my attention to Jane Austin. That girl got it right. By the time I crack the spine I will be descending into the St. Louis area. It is at this point I will start wondering if my luggage with the jewelry you will try to steal made it on the plane...
After removing those tragic thoughts of lost luggage and stolen jewelry I will prepare myself for what could be (and will be) an epic weekend visit with you. Karaoke is a must. I will land the plane (this is only if the pilot is a complete dumbass) and taxi to the terminal. Without a rush to get off the oxygen recircul...ated cabin (these people tend to piss me off), I will make my way to the baggage claim. This is where you come into play. You might be late (you will buy drinks if this happens) to greet me at the airport (gosh damn jobs). When we see each other there will be a scene. There is no way of getting around this and if Ryan is with you, he will most likely ask to wait in the car. From this moment on, it is Lola and Chanel. Interpretive dancing and spontaneous singing will be unavoidable. Please prepare for this visit accordingly and I will look for a corn sack.

All my love,

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