Tuesday, July 30, 2013

B is for Brother

For those of you who don't know, I am the youngest of two children. I swear my parents had me in case their eldest child needed a kidney, but as the years have gone by, my big brother, Brian, and I have become closer. The teenage years were trying. In my mind, my brother was put up on a pedestal and I was kept in the shadows. I have now realized that it really is different when parents are raising a son and daughter. My mom was just looking out for me and protecting me even though I didn't see it like that back then. 
So, why am I telling you about this? Well, my brother is brilliant and I am so proud and honored to be his little sister. Brian has many talents, but of those talents, he is an exceptional writer. He is a lawyer by day and writer by night. His short stories and fiction and non fiction works are being picked up in internet magazines and an Oklahoma based magazine called "This Land" thislandpress.com. Follow him on Twitter  : @briantedjones
Here's a link to his stories:  http://thislandpress.com/author/btjones/

This is Brian and I at his graduation from St. John's College in Annapolis, MD. Notice how much we look alike?

Today, July 30, 2013--------->
For some reason I felt the need to wear a blue shirt, blue pants and blue wedges. Today is the only full day at the office. Hello extra long weekend!

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