Thursday, January 30, 2014

Baseball is Bittersweet

Perfect representation of "Wine Wednesday."
Baseball is bittersweet for me. I love the game; everything about it. Baseball just might be the perfect sport. From the smell of hotdogs and beer to the sound of the ball coming off the bat, there isn't anything I dislike about the game. Even baseball movies. If there is a movie with a baseball story line, I am watching it because "I worship in the house of baseball." One of my favorite summers in college included "Wine Wednesday." My sorority sisters and I would meet up at a house, drink wine, cook dinner and watch baseball. The game of baseball is romantic.

Last night, my cousin Randy cooked a great meal for L's
send off. We topped it off by watching the Thunder/Heat
game. There is always a game on in the house.
So, why is this game bittersweet? Well, because the week before players report for Spring Training I have to say goodbye to one of my favorite people in the entire world. 
You read earlier this week about my cousin Lane who plays 
I got L this shirt for Thanksgiving. It sums him up.
professional baseball for the Kansas City Royals. Well, last night I had to say, “Goodbye” to him for 8 or 9 months. He is headed to Kansas City for Fan Feast and will be recognized by the organization with the George Brett Hitter of the Year Award. After that, he is headed to Surprise, AZ to report for Spring Training.

L was named Player of the Year for the Wilmington BlueRocks
This will be on display at the K Hall of Fame until next year.
L means the world to me and I will be the first person
 headed to wherever when he gets the call to play with the 25 man roster. Safe travels, L! Hope to catch some games soon. I love you.

L and I braced the cold at the OK State/Baylor game.
It was so cold. We finally started feeling our toes again the next day.

Now, I did my first workout yesterday.

It. Kicked. My. Ass.

Love this statement necklace
These are what my tights look
like up close!
Love the print!

But in a good way! It was a body sculpting class with a mix of kick boxing, cardio and weights. I felt amazing afterwards and know this is the first step in toning and dropping those last 20 pounds. I am headed back today to be put on a weight training program and to start cardio on the elliptical. 

Thursday, January 30, 2014
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Top: Old Navy
Leggings: Jazz-E-Jewels, Poteau, OK
Boots: Naturalizer
Necklace: Marley Lilly


  1. Ahhh... baseball. Does your family care if I tag along when you all go see him play? You know it's my dream to say "I'm with the band." Well, you get the gist.

    P.S. I have that necklace in turquoise.

  2. You can tag along anytime! If he plays any in Tulsa or OKC we will have to plan a weekend of baseball and girly things!
